Diabel - Cineplex Aachen
Film vormerken


  • Polen
  • 110′
  • FSK 16
  • Action / Thriller
  • OT: Diabel
  • Regie: Blazej Jankowiak
  • Mit: Eryk Lubos, Piotr Trojan, Aleksandra Poplawska, Paulina Galazka, Krzysztof Stroinski, Aleksandra Konieczna
polnischer Actionthriller in der Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln.

For a quarter of a century, the army was Max's only family. When he left its ranks, he lost the meaning of life. The man returns to his hometown and finds himself in the middle of a gang war. Supported by his friend, a former commander, and his loyal veteran dog, he must choose one of the sides and fight a battle whose outcome seems to be a foregone conclusion. At stake is not only Max's life, but also the love that can save him. A war breaks out in a small Silesian town. For some, it is hell on earth... For "the Devil", a real home... (Quelle: Verleih)

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